Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bye Bye Binkie?

So this is my very first post in my very first blog, so bare with me....I'm not the most creative person in the world, nor am I the smartest. BUT I love to write & I have a passion for helping others, so I hope by sharing with you my crazy life stories, somebody SOMEWHERE can make use of my ranting. And just as a warning: sometimes I have very strong opinions on certain matters...but my intentions are never to offend anyone. I hope to bring subjects to your attention as gently as possible, while still sharing with you my views and advice! So with that said....

My first post is about pacifiers. I was discussing it with a friend of mine today, so it has been on my mind - hence the reason I feel the need to write about it! And I know this is a subject that might step on some toes, but I just can't keep this all to myself anymore. There are certain issues that arise that bubble inside of me like a volcano just waiting to erupt. This is one of those issues...

My daughter never took one. I mean, I could never even force her to. I literally bought every brand of paci I could find, and she just wouldn't have it. Looking back, I ask myself WHY?! If she didn't want one, whyyyyyyyy on earth would you WANT her to want one? I count myself very fortunate that she did not end up taking 1 of the 100 I tried to force upon her. I never had to worry about breaking her from it. I took her bottle, and that was it. No more "breaking". Thank heavens.

So when I was pregnant with #2, I debated my whole pregnancy on whether or not I wanted to introduce a paci to Camden. Is it GOOD for them, is it BAD for them...do the pro's outweigh the con's? I found this article to be pretty helpful - http://www.babyzone.com/baby/nurturing/article/pacifier-pros-cons-pg3 . (and let me just comment on that article - do people actually dip their baby's pacifiers in sugar?! WOW!) But, in the end, I decided to wait until he was here to decide. Now let me just add - I don't believe in giving paci's as a "plug". I don't think it should be used to just shove in a baby's mouth to keep him quiet. If they are fussy or crying, then there is a need that hasn't been met...don't just shove a paci in their mouth to avoid meeting that need. I think that paci's are intended for babies who have a strong sucking reflex, or the need to suck between feedings. Camden, for instance, has that need....if he doesn't have a paci, then he'll suck on his fingers, or his blanket, or whatever else is near him. I'm a semi-germaphobe, so I choose to let him suck on a paci as opposed to dirty baby fingers or toes :).

Ok...so on to my point. Ever since I gave Cam the paci, I have contemplated in my mind when I would take it. The reason I am thinking about it NOW is because I want my mind to be MADE UP so that when the time comes, I already know when it's going to happen. I feel like when you make a plan in advance, it's much easier to adhere to as opposed to just "winging it".  And this is where I might step on some toes....but i really really really hate seeing children walking around with paci's in their mouths. Up to the age of 2, I can handle. But when a child is plainly talking while still trying to hold a paci between their teeth, I just wouldn't be able to handle that. And i know that it's hard to break children from things that are comforting to them. But I would rather suffer through a week or so of crying for it, than years of dental problems. Because his health is MY responsibility...and yes, I know that slanted teeth aren't unhealthy, but if I can prevent it, then I should...right? 

Something you may not know about me...I take a REALLY long time to make a decision. And by long, I mean it took me my WHOLE pregnancy to decide on which diaper bag to order. SOOOOO I'm very excited today to have my mind made up on this :) As of today, after Cam is now almost 4 months, I have FINALLY come up with a plan! I am going to break him from his paci sometime BEFORE i break him from his bottle. In most of the articles I have read, it recommends to break them before the age of 1. Also, I want him to be paci-broke before I have to steal the coveted "ba-ba" (a term in which I hate, btw). And now it's out in the open, so everyone can hold me accountable ;) Check back with me in 8 months and make sure I followed through...we all need accountability right? haha. And to all of you parents who are in the process of taking the paci from your child - let me just say YOU CAN DO IT!! BE STRONG!! DON'T GIVE IN! I feel like the key to this is determination. YES, there is going to be whining, crying, fussing, tantrums, sleepless nights....BUT IT'S WORTH IT! Just keep in mind that it is for the best interest of your child. I mean, do you not lose sleep at night when your baby is a newborn? Of course you do, because it's for your child. Consider this one of those things that is for your child!  Here is an article that has my HUGE seal of approval - http://www.parents.com/toddlers-preschoolers/development/behavioral/bye-bye-binky-ending-the-pacifier-habit/?page=3 . I agree 100% with this article. BE FIRM! If you give in, the child only knows they can make you cave again in the future! 

  So anyways, that is my rant for the day! We, as parents, need to look out for the best interest of our children...NOT what makes our life more convenient! That is all :)

PLEASE feel free to comment. Please keep negativity to a minimum, and I do not tolerate profanity of any kind. I would love to have and keep a clean environment! Feel free also to leave any advice that has worked for you on this topic!